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Migrations are like version control for your database, allowing your team to easily modify and share the application’s database schema. Developers can creates new migration as follows:

$> alfred migration:create [migration name]

Alfred generates new migrations in the /database/migration directory. You will find two different .sql files. Those files are similarly named except for the suffix.

The *_up.sql is responsible for doing stuff on our database and the *_down.sql is responsible for rolling back our changes. You can simply write a pure SQL statement in each file.

Execute migrations

Migration process handles only unexecuted migrations and can be start by running the following command:

$> alfred migration:up

This command runs the SQL statements present into every *_up.sql files.


If you need to rollback some changes you can always execute database rollback.

$> alfred migration:rollback <steps>

Steps are meant as a migration batch. It means that you can choose to rollback one or more migrations simply changing the steps value.