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Middleware provides a convenient mechanism for inspecting and filtering incomind and outcoming HTTP requests. Like controllers, a middleware can be created with Alfred. The command is alfred middleware:create [middleware name].

For instance, middleware named “batman” can be created by running command ./alfred middleware:create batman. After executing the command, the newly created middleware will be available in folder /app/http/middleware

package middleware

import (

type BatmanMiddleware struct {
Name string
Description string

// Handle description
func (BatmanMiddleware) Handle(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
// Do stuff here if you wanna execute something BEFORE handling the request
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Do something here if you wanna execute something AFTER the request

// GetName returns the middleware name
func (m BatmanMiddleware) GetName() string {
return m.Name

// GetDescription returns the middleware description
func (m BatmanMiddleware) GetDescription() string {
return m.Description

func NewBatmanMiddleware() BatmanMiddleware{
return BatmanMiddleware{
Name: "BasicAuth",
Description: "Provides basic authentication",

As you can see in the example above, middleware contains three different methods: Handle, GetName and GetDescription.

  • Handle is the method that is executed when the middleware is executed.
  • GetName returns the middleware name.
  • GetDescription returns the middleware description.

Every middleware should have a 'factory' function that returns an instance of the current middleware. You can use this function to enable middlewares over specific routes or groups. Just add it in the Middleware field of an HTTP router.

Middleware in HTTPRouter
var AppRouter = register.HTTPRouter{
Route: []register.Route{
Name: "home",
Path: "/",
Action: "HomeController@Main",
Method: "GET",
Description: "Main route",
Middleware: []register.Middleware{